Let's Go... to Milwaukee's Central Library

Since I was one of the few who missed Doors Open Milwaukee this year, I had to visit Central Library allllll on my own.  It was probably less exciting being there without the crowds, but that's just how it goes sometimes.  

As a child, my mom and I regularly visited our public library, McMillian Memorial Library, where I knew the librarians by name and they even knew my doll's names (Mirabel)  It was a blissful existence; I read thousands of books and brought stacks with me where ever I went.  While not much has changed with my reading and book lugging, the origin of the books has changed from my public library to my local bookstore.  That's right, I'm a buyer, not a borrower, much to Ben's chagrin.  

I have lived in Milwaukee for nine years this passed September, and I had visited the library twice: once to get a library card and check out a book, and a second time (about two months later) when I guiltily returned the book I had checked out and still hadn't read.  Since then, I've guiltily been avoiding my late fine without a clue as to its amount.  

Everyone told me I needed to see Milwaukee's Central Library, but I knew I would have to pay that stupid fine.  So, "Pay up!" I did a few weeks ago when I went to go see this beautiful structure downtown.

I paid my fine which was a whopping $0.95, renewed my library card, and perused the stacks.  What a beautiful place, right?  I especially loved walking around outside.

I still don't plan on checking out lots of books, but I'm so glad I took the time to see this beautiful building downtown!  Have you been?